Lá XVII. The Star – Harry Potter Tarot

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XVII. The Star

Lá XVII. The Star trong bộ Harry Potter Tarot




The guiding star, the waters of life, renewal, hope, inspiration in dreams, longing for the far-away and eternal, will to live, happiness, a moment of utter joy, vision, invention, trust In the order and reason of the universe, the lightness of being, ease of mind


The Star sends a message of unspoiled hope. At the darkest hour there is a light to guide us. The Star encourages us to let our own light shine and to trust in our abilities, it shows the way to happiness and success. We may intuitively do the right thing, and we are looking towards a time of hope and expectation where inspiration comes to us as easily as breathing.

Exploring the Card              

Traditionally the Star shows a young woman pouring water into a star-lit lake, but for the HP Tarot the journey of the first-years across the lake to the school makes a good symbol for the meaning of the card.

The journey may be dark and scary, but at the end of it all there are welcoming lights, brightness, warmth and good food. And once you are there you can discover your own talents, learn and grow, find friends and encouragement along the way.

Bộ bài Harry Potter Tarot – Eleonore Pieper

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