Lá Seven of Swords – Harry Potter Tarot

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Seven of Swords

Lá Seven of Swords trong bộ Harry Potter Tarot


Moon in Aquarius


Cunning, naivete, foolish trust, de-masking ourselves or others, cleverness, seduction, tricks


The 7s are associated with the energies of Venus and at the danger of harping on old stereotypes of the feminine they are involved with a view of the world colored by emotion, wishful thinking and misconceptions.

If we let Illusions get in the way of our rational mind – the domain of the Swords – we find ourselves deceived. This card cuts both ways: it may either mean that we snare ourselves in our own little devious lies and plots or that others are out to mislead us. We may fall victim to a scam or an intrigue, and sometimes our mind is our own worst enemy, undercutting and secretly undermining out own plans.

Exploring the Card   

The image on the card shows the Monster Book of Monsters which is a slightly tongue-in-cheek approach to deception but gives us 7 impressive fangs for 7 swords: deceptively fierce and predatory the book is reduced to a happily purring bundle of fur and paper once you stroke its spine, and we have a nice little scene of misdirection as Harry tries to recapture his copy by first dangling a shoe down for it to attack and then jumping it once it’s lured by the bait.

Bộ bài Harry Potter Tarot – Eleonore Pieper

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