Lá Prince of Disks – Harry Potter Tarot

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Prince of Disks

Lá bài Prince of Disks trong bộ Harry Potter Tarot


Air in Earth


Dedication, concentration, stamina, stubbornness, perseverance, work, reliability, focus on a goal


The Prince of Swords is a sober, dedicated and reliable young man. He may not have the smarts of the Prince of Swords or the fire of the Prince of Wands, but he sticks to his task through thick and thin. Others may dismiss him as slow and dumb, but he has great practical intelligence and accomplishes what he sets his mind to. He can trust his instinct and takes a pragmatic approach to life. He also has a hand for tools and possesses dexterity and physical strength.

Exploring the Card   

Even though he is a Gryffindor Neville Longbottom, like Luna has an innate ability to cut through Gryffindor enthusiasm and suicidal bravery and bring his friends back to reality. Perhaps he shares this ability with Luna, because like her he’s had a tremendous amount of pain and loss in his young life. He is dismissed by many as borderline squib, but once he discovers his passion – herbology, he becomes a formidable student with vast abilities and knowledge that he uses to help others.

Bộ bài Harry Potter Tarot – Eleonore Pieper

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