Lá Ten of Disks – Harry Potter Tarot
Ten of Disks
Mercury in Virgo
Solidity, security, firm foundation, outer and inner riches, satisfaction, treasures
In the 10s all elements are subjected to full materialization. The 10s are dominated by the planet Earth. They are the most solid and crystallized manifestation of each suite.
For the Disks and the element of Earth full materialization is the culmination of a natural development. We reap the harvest of all of our aspirations and efforts and it feels good. This is not just related to outer success and riches, but also signifies a sense of inner wealth, of feeling mature and secure in who we are.
Exploring the Card
The 10 of Disks shows us a glimpse at Hagrid’s hut with a bumper crop of 10 fat pumpkins. The image does not only convey the sense of outward and material plenty, but Hagrid is also a character who is deeply content with who he is and where he is. Lucius Malfoy may not even acknowledge that his dwelling place is fit to qualify as a house, but with a hot cup of tea, some rock cakes and Fang slobbering all over your face, how could you not call it a very welcoming home indeed.
Bộ bài Harry Potter Tarot – Eleonore Pieper